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Dragon Ball Super Booster Boxes & Decks

Saiyan strategists and anime fans unite! Play the greatest DBZ hits and immerse yourself in Goku’s latest era with Dragon Ball Super decks. Whether you’re a new challenger or a Buu-saga duelist, we have everything you need to power up with the best. Save on your next purchase by earning 100 points when you join our rewards program. Order today and get free shipping on orders over $200!

Power Up!

Dominate the battlefield with iconic characters like Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza! Stunning card art brings your favorite Dragon Ball moments to life, from the iconic first Spirit Bomb to Goku’s battles in the Tournament of Power.

Every DBS expansion offers exciting changes. Fighters Ambition introduces powerful ‘Extra Card’ combos, while Power Absorbed empowers classic villains with modern mechanics. Pick up your Dragon Ball Super booster box and get started today!

a Dragon Ball Super Zenkai booster box
a Dragon Ball Super Fusion booster box

TCG Tourneys & More

Love anime? We do too! Expand your collection with other trading card games like One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon, and more! You can also place a pre-order for an upcoming booster box to be the first to receive it. Join our rewards program today, and save more on every purchase with our 1:1 point reward system.

You’ve watched Goku overcome innumerable odds and win challenging tournaments, why not do it yourself? Our trading card store in Norwalk, CT, regularly hosts fun Dragon Ball Super and other TCG tournaments. Visit our store, participate in fun events, and meet other collectors who share your passion—you might just walk out with a rare new card.



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